Please refer to the latest issue of the Parish Bulletin for the most up-to-date contact information for the Ministries detailed below. You can also contact the Parish Office at 208-342-3511 or email to get involved.
Leadership Councils
At the Cathedral, the Rector regularly seeks advice and counsel from several councils and committees, some of which are designated as leadership councils. The leadership councils provide advice and counsel regarding three main areas of parish life: pastoral areas, financial matters, and liturgical issues. Thus, the three main leadership councils are the Pastoral Council, the Finance Council, and the Liturgy Council. All councils and committees welcome input from parishioners on issues identified or suggestions for improvements in the way we as a parish are growing and providing services.
Finance Council
Church Law (Canon 537) requires each parish to have a Finance Council. The Council assists the rector in administrating the finances and physical assets of the parish. At St. John's, the Finance Council works closely with the Parish Pastoral Council. Parishioners volunteer for membership or are appointed by the rector. Parishioners are encouraged to attend monthly meetings.
Pastoral Council
The Parish Council serves as an advisory body to the rector of the cathedral. The council represents parishioners' interests and is consulatative in nature. It includes various parish members representing community life and members at large. The council assists the rector in forming and communicating policy and direction to the parish and helps minister to the needs of the People of God. The council is also a representative body for the laity of the parish, providing a forum for encouraging and facilitating constructive discussion between the rector and the laity.
Liturgy Council
The Liturgy Council is a team of parish members dedicated to enhancing our liturgies. All liturgical aspects of the parish are the responsibility of this council. Ministry schedules and training for the Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers and ushers are coordinated through this council. Members meet once a month to plan the various liturgies, seasonal themes, decorations and environment of the cathedral. The council also works to implement new liturgy policies and guidelines from the Diocese of Boise and our Bishop.
The council consists of those in charge of the various liturgical ministries of the parish, the Director of Music, the Liturgy Leadership Pastoral Coordinator and representatives from the parish and school.
Advisory Groups
These groups of parishioners for advisory bodies to help the staff and clergy better serve our parishioners.
Ambassador Team
The ambassador team contacts new registered parishioners, and then tries to facilitate a second connection with a potential ministry of interest, or an upcoming social event, etc. Thanks to the members of this ministry we’re able to make an effort to better welcome our newcomers!
Comité Hispano
This group gathers once a month to plan activities within the Spanish speaking community and provide advice and ideas to staff and clergy on growing and expanding this ministry.
Ministry Leaders
Three to four times a year the leaders of all ministries in the parish gather with the rector to learn from each other, provide input and form themselves as better leaders.
Stewardship Council
As a parish, we believe God has created everything we have and that we share a sacred covenant with our God to care for thse gifts. As stewards of God's gifts, we seek to recognize, develop and allocate the resources of our parish.
The Stewardship Council serves the parish community by teaching the principles of Christian stewardship to our parishioners of all ages. We coordinate the gifts of time, talent and treasure with the needs of our community, encourage parishioners to assume personal interest in the care of our buildings, grounds and materials, and promote responsible financial giving to the parish.
Safety and Security
This ministry aims to support a safe and secure environment for parishioners to worship and parish staff to serve. It consists of volunteers who are willing to step up and serve as a first responder in the event of an incident at a parish event. Some training is required to deal with specific situations, but it’s worthwhile as it helps to maintain a safe environment for all.
If interested in joining the safety and security team, reach out to Thomas Kelley Jr. for more information at: