Welcome back home: we (including Jesus) missed you! That's great you've come to this webpage, and that you're considering returning to the Catholic faith, presuming you've already been baptized, had First Communion and have been confirmed. If you're missing one or more of these Sacraments email JohnY@BoiseCathedral.org to find out more.
There are many good reasons for taking a second look at Catholicism, but one isn't that it's a perfect place. When we proclaim that the Church is holy, it isn't a statement about the human institution, because whenever you have people involved, things are going to be messy because people are messy. Instead, Christ instituted His Church and that's why it's holy, and that's why you belong here.
Step 1: Reconnect with the grace of the Eucharist. You'll want to first go for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (you have our parish hours for the Sacrament on our homepage) to prepare for the Eucharist. Going to confession after a long time can be intimidating. But let the priest you’re confessing to know how long you’ve been away and that you’re nervous about confessing again. Many priests are more than happy to gently lead you through your confession. If necessary, call the parish to arrange a confession time rather than going to the regularly scheduled times if you think this will be beneficial.
Step 2: No one can be Catholic alone. Join our parish (CLICK HERE), to get to know the people here. One of the many beautiful things about Catholicism is that our faith is not a solitary endeavor. Every baptized Catholic is a part of the Body of Christ. We are called to worship God together at least once a week. You have our Mass times listed on our homepage.
Step 3: Mass +1. Going to Mass is essential, but it's also important to take a further step and connect with something in our parish. Here at the Cathedral we have many ministries that are always looking for new members (see the Ministry tab above), and it's a great way to connect with your fellow Catholics. In particular, you might want to consider doing some "catch-up" and consider attending an adult religion or theology class. Remember to be patient with yourself and trust in God. You've been gone for a while and Rome wasn't built in a day! Don’t be discouraged by how much you have to do to get back into the rhythm of Catholic life. You’re not going to turn into a perfect Catholic overnight. It’s a step-by-step process.
To close, here’s what Jesus had to say about those who return to Him after having been away: “I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance” (Luke 15:7).
To read what we Catholics believe CLICK HERE.
To see a worthwhile website with some good resources CLICK HERE.
We've been building together since 1906!