Here at the Cathedral we have several ministries that assist in the celebration of our Eucharistic liturgies that include:
Group 1: >> contact the Parish Office at 208-342-3511 or email to get involved with one of these ministries:
- Choirs (Sat. 5PM, Sun. 8AM, 10AM & 5PM)
- Environment team (decorations)
- Ushers
- Security team
Group 2: Those serving at daily Masses are coordinated separately.
Group 3: weekend ministries scheduled ONLINE include:
- Altar servers
- Lectors
- EMs (Extraordinary Ministers)
Step 1 of 2: TRAINING. Sign up for the required training session. Contact the parish office at 208 342-3511.
Step 2 of 2: ONLINE SCHEDULING. Everything is done online (i.e., there is no middleman or person entering data, or making phone calls, or someone else sending emails) so each user needs to learn a bit. When you have completed the required training, we will enter you into the scheduling software and send you an email with your username and password.
__ To update your profile for auto-scheduling (dates you can't serve, etc.) CLICK HERE.
__ Requesting (or accepting) a sub CLICK HERE.
[If you prefer you can watch this short video or refer to this printable guide.]
After watching the video, you can login to the "Web Terminal" with your user name (first name initial and last name--all one word), and the password you were provided (or what you switched to) using this link>
It's recommended that you make use of the computer and the free app for your iOS or Android device, you can use the MSP mobile app. Download the app from your device's app store (search MSP and find the green M icon). After downloading, you'll need the following Organization ID to sign in: stjohnscathedral.
__ To set up your smartphone app CLICK HERE. [If you prefer watching a short video on how to use the MSP mobile app is available here.)
Thanks for your willingness to serve in this ministry!