Please refer to the latest issue of the Parish Bulletin for the most up-to-date contact information for the Ministries detailed below. You can also contact the Parish Office at 208-342-3511 or email to get involved.
Adopt a Highway
Adopt a Highway is a shared ministry here at St. John’s. On highway 55 between Boise and Cascade/McCall, at milepost 54 there is an Adopt a Highway sign with our parish name on it. As a parish community we’ve committed to four times a year, cleaning the roadside between mile 54 and 56. This is a community service that we provide.
Eucharistic Outreach
This group of volunteers assists the parish staff by visiting shut-ins with Sunday Eucharist. Time commitment is about one hour a month. This is a very rewarding activity—both for volunteers and recipients. We take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound and provide them with a meaningful Communion Service. This Ministry is incredibly rewarding and there is a great need in our community for this most wonderful service to our fellow Catholics. Do not think that you are not holy enough or worthy to help out in this role: none of us are. We simply serve others as the hands and feet of our Lord and are therefore "worthy" in this sense. Please feel free to reach out to me directly regarding this wonderful opportunity to serve others on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ - I will help you with training and opportunities to serve in this capacity. Contact Info: Randy Knapp (208) 602-3403.
Faith Community Nurses
The St. John's Health Ministry is made up of a core of professional nurses, (RNs) who are actively licensed. The term Parish Nurse that is often used is familiar to members of the parish; however, the newer term is Faith Community Nurse (FCN) because many other religious congregations with nursing services do not use the term parish. We want parishioners to now recognize that we are Faith Community Nurses, the same nurses who have been serving Saint John's Cathedral. For more information contact the parish office.
Prision Ministry
Prison Ministry volunteers are priests, deacons and the laity and bring the gospel to the incarcerated in Idaho through scripture study, catechesis, sacramental preparation, Confession, Mass and lay led communion services. Schedules and days are very flexible. For more information contact: Deacon Mark Geraty,
Food Bank
The St. John's Food Bank is located at 775 N. 8th Street, Boise in the Riffle Center for Faith Formation. We are open Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m., except on major holidays.
Ways to Volunteer at the Food Bank
- Food Distribution - Volunteers work from 12:45-3pm every other week. Each shift has 3 volunteers - one typically greets clients and enters their data into the computer and the other two get food and give it to the clients.
- Box Filling - Volunteers come in one day every other week and fill boxes of food and stock shelves in preparation for food distribution days.
- Food Pick-Ups - Volunteers help with pick-ups from the Idaho Food Bank on Mondays at 10:30AM, and pick-ups at El-Ada the first Thursday of each month at 9AM. Volunteers need a large SUV or pickup truck and must be able to lift boxes.
- Substitute List - Volunteers are on a call list for Food Distribution Volunteers who are unable to make their scheduled shift.
If you are interested in volunteering at St. John’s Food Bank, we'd love to have you. Contact: Dyan Goulet OR Bill Doyle
Women's Bereavement
Contact Darlene Leonard at for more information on meeting dates and events! You can also check out this video from our youtube channel (Studio 33ad) for more information on the ministry. Click Here!
Catholic Marriage Enrichment
It is one thing to fall in love and get married. It's another thing to stay married and Catholic. This ministry is about the latter for as we know there is not shortage of challenges confronting our Catholic marriages. This ministry endeavors to provide some support to help couples enrich their sacramental union with periodic communal events and retreats. To find out more contact
Cathedral Cleaning Saints
The Cathedral Cleaning Saints clean the church and chapel once a week. It consists of light cleaning and maintenance such as changing the holy water, dusting, wiping down surfaces and any observed needs. The obligation is for one day per month as there are several groups with each one assigned to one week per month. It is a beautiful ministry that while you are assisting in the overall presence of the church that greets all who enter it is also an amazing time of personal peace with God and the church. Contact: Michelle Hebert Dolby at 208-863-0014 via call or text
Christmas Giving Tree
An annual parish event where members of St. John's are given the opportunity to select tags from a Christmas tree and provide the requested item to anonymous need individuals from our community. Items range from food, clothing and toys. This event is truly a chance to practice stewardship in the community at large. Contact Anita Miller for more information at
St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is named after the patron saint of a lay organization founded in France in 1833 as a response to the challenge of one person who said “yes the Catholic Church has done good things in the past, but are you doing now?” It was then transplanted to the United States in 1845. We have a local chapter here in our Diocese, and it endeavors to provide ways of helping to feed the needy, prescription and transportation assistance, a re-entry program and other programs in addition to the area stores. St. John's St. Vincent de Paul conference meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. All who would like to practice their faith are welcome. Contact Kathy Dahl for more information: johncdahl Check out this youtube video from our channel (Studio 33ad) for more information on what St. Vincent de Paul does!
Catholic Culture Committee
The Catholic Culture Committee is a group of young families that want to raise our children in a vibrant Catholic culture, deeply rooted in Christ and the Sacraments, expressed through a ritual year at our parish. The Committee plans, organizes and hosts events around certain feast days in the Catholic calendar, e.g. All Saints Carnival, May Day Festival. Contact:
VA Catholic Ministry
VACM seeks to serve fellow brother and sister Catholic veterans who cannot attend mass and are located at the local VA Hospital. Our team will rotate to serve during a weekday and on Sunday depending on the volunteer. We will take communion, the readings and Gospel to our faithful who are injured. If time permits, we will spend a short moment in prayer with them. This is open to all Catholics who wish to serve. If you have any questions, please email me at
Knights of Columbus
This fraternal, family-oriented order, founded by Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney, gives Catholic men a chance to be part of a "band of brothers" who serve God, Church, and community. Answering the instruction of Christ to love one another, the Knights meet monthly and engage in a variety of charitable works and service to our Church. Contact Attila Herrera for more information:
Caballeros de Colon
Docent Tours
Docents enjoy sharing the beautiful Cathedral with scheduled groups and Sunday visitors. Membership in the Ministry is available to adult parishioners who make a commitment to study the Docent Manual, to attend at least one training session, and are comfortable answering questions and interacting with visitors. Proselytizing is not a part of the Ministry. To gain experience, new Docents may pair up with an experienced member to lead a Sunday Tour. Each Docent is asked to serve in four tours or more during the year. Contact Tim Sullivan at