The ministry of ushering is a crucial part of worship because it is one of the most visible ministries in the Church.
Here is a list of expectations and responsibilities for ushers:
- Greeting before Mass
- Handing out of Worship Aids before mass
- Escorting People to Seats during Special (Full) masses
- Gathering of the Offertory Collection
- Minimum 2 people in the vesting sacristy when depositing the funds into the envelope and safe
- Facilitate the order of the congregation during Communion
- Handing out Bulletins after Mass
- The overall safety and wellbeing of the congregation during mass
- The occasional de-escalation of emotional individuals
- Being responsible to call 911 when necessary
- Assisting Clergy where and when requested
- Notifying the coordinating usher of Issues
- Coordinate with other Lead Ushers when you are not able to attend mass your regularly schedule mass
Would you like to get involved in the Usher Ministry?
For more information phone the parish office at 208 342-3511