Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise | Cathedral dedicated 1921

Prayer & Faith Formation Ministries

Faith formation is a vital element of the Catholic life as we grow in knowledge and understanding of our faith in Jesus Christ and the Church he gave us. A deeper understanding can lead to a more intimate relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and through the Trinity to the Church and our family, friends, neighbors, parish, and community. Such faith formation is not just for children, but for all of us as we grow as Catholics. Our parish has many opportunities for faith formation that we encourage you to explore. Faith formation is not just for children and youth, but also for adults. We have many child-focused programs, a vibrant youth ministry, in addition to programs for parents and other adults. Learn in many ways, and study many topics, including scripture study, lectures, retreats, and other formation activities that help each adult continue a lifelong journey of faith.

Please refer to the latest issue of the Parish Bulletin for the most up-to-date contact information for the Ministries detailed below. You can also contact the Parish Office at 208-342-3511 or email boisecathedral@gmail.com to get involved.

Baptism Prep

This small group of St. John’s parishioners teaches the monthly Baptism class for those wishing to bring their young children into the Faith. The class lasts about 2 hours and includes an explanation of the meaning of a sacrament (particularly one of initiation), a discussion of the Biblical history of Baptism, an overview of the ceremony and a brief explanation of what it means to be called to a vibrant Christian life post-baptism. The goal of the class is not just to teach parents how to baptize their children but also to help parents renew their excitement and commitment to their own Baptism. The Baptism class is offered on the second Saturday from 10am-12pm each month. (Check with the parish office for a precise schedule if you are planning to attend a session). Each month a different family teaches the class and we rotate turns. The time commitment for this ministry is extremely small, about 2 hours every third month. 


Baptism Scheduling Requests (English)

Solicitud de Bautismo (Español)

Becoming and Returning Catholic

Becoming Catholic CLICK HERE

Returning Catholic CLICK HERE.

Staying Catholic CLICK HERE.

Bible Studies

There are a continuing series of Bible studies at the Parish which enable you to deepen your knowledge and understanding of God's Word in Holy Scripture. One is on Monday evenings (6:30-8:30) and the other on Tuesday afternoons (1:15-2:45), generally beginning in early Fall and continuing through late Spring. They vary in length from 5 or 10 weeks, or depending on the topic selected, 20 or more weeks. They are held in Riffle Center, and utilize written and video materials from Catholic providers such as Ascension Press and Bishop Barron's Word on Fire ministry. We encourage you to join us! Watch the Bulletin for further details.

Bill Doyle is the contact for the Monday evening study (bill.doyle@protonmail.com), and Armalense Matson is the contact for the Tuesday afternoon study (armalenematson@gmail.com)  Here's a video of Bible study leaders at our parish explaining what they are like. 

Well Read Mom Bookclub

Please come join us as new members are always welcome. The contact person is Adrianna Lorenz at adriannajlorenz@gmail.com 

Create a Clean Heart in Me

The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist wants to help our parishioners who struggle with viewing pornography. Your parish has teamed up with Covenant Eyes (covenanteyes.com) to help you break free from pornography. We invite any parishioner suffering from this epidemic to take advantage of 4 months free of Covenant Eyes. You have our promise of complete discretion and privacy when signing up for your safe and secure new beginning. Break the chains of pornography addiction once and for all. Contact Deacon Daniel Gamboa at danielg@boisecathedral.org.

 Endow Women's Group

Endow (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) seeks to educate women toward a more profound understanding of their God-given dignity through study in small groups of faith and friendship. Rooted in the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II, Endow affirms the genius of women – the feminine genius – and empowers them to fulfill our culture’s desperate need for an authentic feminine presence in every aspect of life and society.

To find out more contact Linda Morris at boisemorris@gmail.com 

Fourth Day Men and Women

Men's and Women's Fourth Day ministry here at the Cathedral is a follow-up/continuation of the Catholic Cursillo Movement, a consecutive 72 hour period called a “Three Day Weekend.” It was founded in Majorca, Spain by a group of laymen in 1944 while they were refining a technique to train pilgrimage Christian leaders. The Cursillo Movement in the United States was established in 1965. Today, Cursillo is a worldwide movement for both men and women. During the three day weekend, a team of religious and lay personnel present a series of talks to the participants and the entire group calls upon the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and guidance. Throughout the weekend the participants will pray together, attend daily mass and have an opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. Typically, by the end of the weekend, participants have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. The challenge, however, is sustaining this and that’s why “Fourth Day” was established. Our parish contact for men is George Lewis at pamandgeorge@hotmail.com and for women Colleen Stauts at cstauts@gmail.com


Marriage Prep

Here in our parish we offer marriage preparation to help couples develop a better understanding of the sacrament; to evaluate and deepen their readiness to live married life; and to gain insights into themselves as individuals and as a couple.  The goal is to help make the marriage “for better and forever.” For more information contact Deacon Bill Burns at wdburns63@gmail.com 


Vacation Bible School

Held each Summer for one week, this is a chance for parish youth in grades 1st through 5th to stay connected over the break with their Catholic faith. Usually in July, you can find information when it comes around at our current events webpage CLICK HERE.


Religious Education (PreK-5th)

Religious Education at the Cathedral Parish of St. John the Evangelist strives to partner with its parish families in the catechetical formation of their children including sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion for those children older than 7 years of age. In order for catechesis in the faith to take root in children so that the faith is practiced into adulthood, it is imperative that a strong home and parish connection exists with our Religious Education families.  

Youth Ministry (6th-12th)

Confirmation (Teens)

To register for Confirmation classes CLICK HERE


Confirmation (Adults)

If you missed out on the grace of this Sacrament, it is still awaits you. CLICK HERE


Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental preparation consists of the formal instruction and catechesis of our parish children ages 7+ in the two Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation (Confession) and Eucharist in a parish setting.  Children will be prepared first to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and then their preparation will continue with preparation for reception of the Eucharist.

The King's Men

The King's Men meet Saturdays in the parish hall at 6:30AM; then 8AM Rosary in the Chapel (all but 3rd Saturdays when the Legion of Mary leads). These meetings will offer men an opportunity to grow in virtue and accountability using the Biblical maxim that "iron sharpens iron" (Proverbs 27:17). For more information, check out the King's Men website http://thekingsmen.org or contact Todd Bushee by email, phone or text at Sahale1993@gmail.com and 208-949-4286.


Cathedral Men's Fellowship

"Iron sharpens iron," and that's the value of this weekly gathering of Catholic men to enrich their Catholic faith. Meetings are Tuesday mornings. Come and check it out. To find out more contact George Lewis at pamandgeorge@hotmail.com 


Armed Forces Prayer

This fellowship ministry for members of the military meets on a regular basis. To find out more contact Sherrie Pelowitz at pelowitz01@msn.com 


BluHat Rosary

Please join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month to pray the Holy Rosary for the intentions of the whole church and our local Catholic community. We meet in the Adoration Chapel starting at 11:15 am and begin our Rosary at 11:30 am. You are also invited to join in a potluck or restaurant fellowship lunch afterwards. Details vary each month. If you like, you may wear a blue hat or other clothing item to honor Our Blessed Mother. For more details, please contact Loretta Ruch at 208-340-8302 or rettaroo@me.com


Vocations Committee (CatVat)

This ministry meets regularly in an effort to promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The Mission of the Vocations Team of St. John’s Cathedral is to foster and encourage vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life, and Permanent Diaconate at St. John’s Cathedral. We also show support for our Cathedral Priests through recognition of anniversaries and birthdays and through other appreciation events.

For more information, check out our vocations page on the website: CLICK HERE 


Legion of Mary

This ministry has weekly gatherings of prayer and fellowship, with the English version Thursdays at 6PM, and the Spanish version on Friday at 5:30PM. To find out more email Fr. Osorio at FrOsorio@boisecathedral.org


Daughters of Mary

This ministry is for young girls. For more information contact Patricia A. Guerrero at daughtersofmary@boisecathedral.org